Hello #3DPrinting Network of Manchester,
I'm Hugo, co-founder of
Cults, first French 3D models repositories website for 3D printing.
I am contacting you because we're now pleased to host a unique and innovative design collection, which might interest you.
"Maison & Objet" is a series of objects - lamps, clocks and containers - inspired by the cities of Paris, Miami and Singapore, which currently host the international exhibition "Maison & Objet". Designer Samuel N. Bernier, creative director of leFabShop, made this fantastic collection. His designs are fully 3D printable by anyone equipped with a personal 3D printer. You simply have to download the 3D models on our platform Cults before start the 3D printing process.
This art project is a true shift because it aims to empower people. They have the opportunity to be both: manufacturer, consumer and critical of their own design products.
I hope this information will motivate you, enjoy it and relaying it on #3DPM.
If you need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at
hugo@cults3d.com. I'd be happy to answer you.
Cults’ team.
Posted on Behalf of Cults.